Northern region
Central region
Southern region
National Council​
Saturday 27 July, 9.00am - 4.00pm
Host: Heilala Manongi 'o Maungakiekie
Saturday 20 July, 9.00am - 3.00pm
Host: Tiare Ahuriri (Hawkes Bay)
Saturday 10 August, 9.00am - 4.00pm
Host: Invercargill
Saturday 2 November, 9.00am - 4.00pm
Host: Dunedin Central
Annual General Meeting/National Conference
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held as part of the Annual National Conference, which is P.A.C.I.F.I.C.A. Inc’s largest gathering in any year. Members across the country get together to conduct the main business of the organisation but also to celebrate being together. All members participate in the AGM and exercise their vote on all decisions made. Members participate in workshops in line with the yearly conference theme, weaving, fashion and speech contests and celebrating being together as Pacific women and enjoying the fellowship.
Election of members of the National Executive take place bi-annually and elected National Executive Committee members serve for a term of two years. The National President cannot serve for more than 2 terms, that is four years. All other National Executive Committee members [National Vice-Presidents (Northern, Central & Southern), National Young PACIFICA Representative, National Secretary, National Treasurer, National Assistant Treasurer, National Communications Officer] may stand again and seek re-election.
The National Executive meets face-to-face at least 3 times a year - and these meetings are set to coincide with the 3 Regional Conferences, the National Council Meeting, and the AGM.
Regional Mini Conferences
P.A.C.I.F.I.C.A. Incorporated's affiliated Branches are organised in three regions: Northern, Central and South Island. Once a year, each region holds a Regional ("Mini") Conference where branches come together to discuss issues, project ideas/updates and achievements with one another and the National Executive. The National Vice-President of each region chairs Her region's AGM.
National Council Meeting
Once a year, every Branch President and the National Executive Committee come together at the National Council Meeting. This is the official forum where general business items and remits for the upcoming AGM are tabled. The National President chairs this meeting and each branch President has the right to exercise a vote.​